Latest Updates
December 11th, 2009
Ok, thanks to ClarJon, a new friend I met via Second Life, teaching me some php,
the chapter navigation for the story should be radically improved on my end. For the
rest of you guys and gals, there should be no difference, except for the chapters now
end with php instead of html. So if you had it linked, please update your links.
Also, chapter eight of the story is FINALLY up!
December 4th, 2009
Just did a little fixing of the formatting on the front page. Hopefully the section titles are a little easier to read. I'll probably put up Chapter Eight of the story up real soon.
September 29th, 2009
Nine months later... Chapter Seven is posted! For anybody reading this
story, you have my sincerest apologies.
December 27th, 2008
Ami has sent in Chapter Seven of the story
"Just One of Those Days."
October 31st, 2007
Discovered and cleaned up bad and dead links using KLinkStatus. Also
applied cave format to pages that needed it.
July 3rd, 2007
Divided up the story so that each chapter has its
own page. Also put any updates not from this year into the archives.
June 29, 2007
Added a pic that Amy did for the story and chapter links on the
story page. Second update! Did a rearrange on the
story page.
June 19, 2007
Corrected (hopefully!) all of the formatting errors and such. Next
time, I'll be sure to paste it as unformatted text. eheheh...
June 15, 2007
Added chapter headings to the story. That's it.
June 13, 2007
An update to the story "Just One of Those Days"
is available! The story is starting to get long, so I think I'm gonna
start assigning and dividing the story by chapters. Never expected the
story to get this long!
May 19, 2007
Oh, double snap! Another update within two weeks! Created a
guest art gallery. Yes, I've actually got people
to draw art for me. Imagine that... Right now, it's not much, but hopefully
it'll grow.
May 9, 2007
Oh, snap! An update within two months. Added links at the top for
bios for Galaxar's natural form and his humanoid form. Added a description
in the top menu for the Calvin and Hobbes Dedication page.
March 18, 2007
First update of 2007. Changed all email references to images.
Hey, I'd like to hear from you. Send me comments, suggestions, etc.,
etc., to
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companies. All other stuff is Galaxar's stuff unless otherwise noted.