Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade Codes
In order to use these codes, you must be running AB. These codes won't work for regular Heroes III and vice versa. Press Tab and a little flashing bar should appear near the bottom of the screen. Now, just enter the codes as they appear and press enter. You know it worked if the word cheater! appears on the screen.
nwcdarthmaul-10 Black Knights in each slot.
nwcpadme- 5 Archangel in each slot.
nwcwatto-increase in resources.
nwcquigon-level up.
nwcr2d2-Tent, ballista, and ammo cart.
nwccoruscant-build all buildings.
nwcpodracer-infinite movement.
nwcmidichlorians-999 spell points and all spells.
nwcrevealourselves-all map. Thanks to jeffy for sending
me this one.
nwcprophecy-grail puzzle solved. Thanks to RedHed664@aol.com
for this
I still have to find the codes for Immediate failure and success, highest luck, and top morale. I'll keep you updated.
Last updated on Oct. 31, 2007