Previous Updates
November 4, 2006
Gonna make this real fast. Rearranged the top and added more to "Just one of those Days". Good night.
April 17, 2006
Added High Bannanas to the Links
page. High Bannanas is a webcomic done by two girls that I met at
the Texas Tech anime club. I also added something that was
missing from Galaxar's human form info page: His birthday! Fixed now.
October 11, 2005
Updated the story some more and made some little cosmetic changes around. Also, the site turned 6 years old as of July 21.
June 14, 2005
Yes, folks, I'm still here. Finally made a gif of the colored, shaded
version of Galaxar to replace the pencil drawing Jet did several years
February 6, 2005
Updated my story a little bit and also updated my bio and interest page.
February 3, 2005
New in updates today is a story that I've worked on recently. Plus a new drawing of Galaxar's human form done by a friend and I colored it.
October 1, 2004
Well, I'm still here. 5 years as of July 21. Wow, five years. Well, i have a LiveJournal now. yay. That is all. Move along, move along.
November 16, 2002
I made a bio page for my alter-ego, Galaxar. Right now only his humanoid form
is up. I also updated my Links page by getting rid of the link for, since now it is gone. As of this update,
they still had the goodbye page there.
October 17, 2002
Changed the file name and format for my bio page. It's now bio.html and it now fits with the cave format.
September 6, 2002
A couple of things to mention. First, Jenna finished drawing the humanoid form of Galaxar. That can be viewed here.
Second, i got rid of that line that mentions my sister's art. She isn't
doing any right now, but that may or may not in the future. Third,
Speed ripped the Project Majestic Mix cd and stuck it here. I'll warn you now and say it's encoded in ogg format. For help and a codec, go here: Vorbis.
August 29, 2002
Several things to mention. First, Galaxar's Cavern has moved. Again!
This time Speed is providing the space. Thanks Speed! So now i don't
have to worry about space restrictions. (well, i only have a half a
gig. I guess i just have to make do with what i've got. ;P ). Second,
Galaxar's third birthday came and went without me even thinking about
it. (it was last month) Belated birthday wishes will still be accepted!
You can email Galaxar your neat belated birthday swag to
July 1, 2002
Added the cast page of the Kirby anime comic in NP volume 158. It (as
well as the rest of the comic when it gets scanned in) can be found here.
April 2, 2002
Changed the look of my website and switched it around a bit. Hopefully the redesign of the rest of the site will follow soon.
February 9, 2002
Updated my Links page. go have a look-see.
February 1, 2002
Yay! The rest of my site has been upload. Now everything should be
available. As always, if you find any bad links, please email me at
January 26, 2002
Nothing real major. Just changed the music format from spc to midi. Works a lot better.
November 16, 2001
Well, I've done several things. First, I completely changed the colors.
Second, I toyed around with the setup a little bit. Third, I finally
got the new galaxar up (thanks, jenna, for the pic). Fourth, throughout
the weekend, I'll be uploading the rest of my site, so if you get a bad
link, chances are that page hasn't been loaded yet, so just check back
later. Well, that's all. Later.
November 14, 2001
Mwahahahahaha! I'm back. Not even nbci becoming part of msnbc could
stop me
for long. Gee, so much to do. Well, first off, as you can see, I'm now
part of angelfire. (let's see how long that lasts). well, since i'm now
in the process of uploading my site, if you care to report bad links,
missing images, etc. or care to comment or suggest something, please
email me at
January 13, 2000
Did some minor work on some of the wording throughout the home page
like getting rid of extra words, doing things I should have weeks ago,
etc., etc.
December 26, 1999
Three things to mention. First, I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I
should have done it on Christmas, but I had my Grandfather over.
Second, and this is late but here goes, Galaxar's Domain turned 5
months old on the 21st of December. Third, I'm planning on changing the
spc to a different one every so often.
December 15, 1999
You may have noticed something different about the site. Yes, I am
using the famous ZD-SPC plugin in order to play the music you
(hopefully) hear right now. If you don't hear it and/or don't see a
message about Zophar, then go to the ZD-SPC
home page to get the player and the plugin. Don't worry, the download
is not long. Only one or two minutes, I think. Anyway, I'm also going
to start a collection of spc's and put them on my web page under game music. I'll be more than happy to accept contributions. Just send them to
November 22, 1999
Took the pictures of Link on my Links page down. Come to find out that Nintendo
pictures are not public domain and won't be for 75 years. Also changed the copyright info at the bottom of most of my pages.
Yesterday this site turned 4 months old! Not much else happened. If
there is something you want to see on this site, e-mail me at
. By the way, the banner and video game fan art is still going on. Reason there are no links
for it is because there is no fan art. So send it in to
October 29, 1999
Yesterday was my 20th birthday. I would've posted that yesterday, but since it was my birthday, I was a little busy.
October 26, 1999
Three things today. First, I added the guestbook link you see above.
Second, I need a banner for my web page and I am asking you to design
one. The only size requirement is that it should be no bigger than the
banner at the bottom of this page. So fire up your drawing mediums and
imagination and send in your best work to me at
Third, this has to do with the second item. I would like to start a fan
art page of video game characters from any and all systems. I just need
the images from you. Send in your work to me at
October 25, 1999
Fixed the Secret of Mana link and added a zipped version. Added a
note about why the Castlevania Timeline isn't up yet. Added a new
section called Game Music. Check it out.
October 23, 1999
Added a Secret of Mana FAQ and that's it.
October 21, 1999
Two things happened at this site today. One, this site is three
months old! The second is that I got my 300th hit today at 7:13:51 am
Mountain Standard Time. I'm still debating about what things I should
upload next. If there's something you want to see on this website, send
an email to
and I'll see about it.
October 19, 1999
Today I added the Armageddon's
Blade Codes I found to my website. Two of the codes were sent to me via email and are properly acknowledged.
August 23, 1999
Galaxar's Domain turned a month old on the 21st of August. What do I
got to show for it? Nothing. Why you may ask? Because I've had hardly
any visitors. So, if you're reading this, please sign my guestbook at
the bottom and tell all your friends about this site.