If you're here, you want to know about me


Biographical Information Personal Interests

Biographical Information

Real Name: Kristopher Neal Smith

Age: 28

Birthday: Oct. 28, 1979

Click here for a picture done in August of 2004.

Click here for a picture done in May of 1998.

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Personal Interests

The first web page I did was Calvin and Hobbes and it includes the last Calvin and Hobbes cartoon done by Bill Watterson. It also has a list of characters of the series.

One of my other interests is anim�. I like all sorts of anim�, except for hentai. Won't watch that stuff. Right now, I am collecting Dragon Drive and will probably start collecting Scrapped Princess. I usually go to the anim� meetings up at Texas Tech. For more information, here is their website.

Another love of mine is Star Wars. I have X-wing vs. TIE fighter and I needed a quick reference on all the attributes of all the playable craft. So I created a table that includes all that stuff. Note: Since I only have version 1.1.4 and not the Balance of Power add-on at the moment, the B-wing and any other Rebel/Imperial starfighter craft are not included. Check back because I plan on updating as soon as I get the add-on.

I like other games such as practically anything from Squaresoft, the Castlevania series, the Mega Man series, the Legend of Zelda series, and others I can't think of right at this moment.

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All items are the copyright of their respected companies. All other stuff is Galaxar's stuff unless otherwise noted.

Last revised: October 31st, 2007.